Zoya PixieDust Fall 2013
11:07 AM**Press sample**
EEEEEEEEEEE!!!! The Zoya Fall 2013 PixieDust beauties are on the blog today! I have mixed emotions about this. On one hand, the Pixies just get better and better with each collection that comes out! On the other hand, I had a very bad day and every nail on my swatching hand broke after I got half of this collection swatched. So half way through, you'll see a drastic change in the size/shape of my nails. One broke so low I couldn't even them all out. I apologize in advance, but it would have been wrong of me to keep you all waiting.
Let's get to it!
So many lovely shades!
Arabella is described as "a rich fuchsia pink in a matte, textured, sparkling finish".
This is two coats of Arabella.
Arabella is perfection. All the PixieDusts have the same amazing application. They haven't changed a thing since they started making them (and I'm so glad they haven't). The formula is wonderful! The fuchsia is bright and was practically opaque in 2 coats. I did two but three coats never hurt anyone! No staining and easy clean up.
Chita is described as "a forest green in a matte, textured, sparkling finish".
This is two coats of Chita.
I was waiting for a dark green Pixie, and I'm beyond in love with Chita. The color is deep and warm. Two coats was perfectly opaque. This is going to be the ultimate fall polish. I can feel it! Once again, no staining and easy clean up.
Carter is described as "a royal purple in a matte, textured, sparkling metal finish".
This is two coats of Carter.
I was most excited about Carter, from this set. And with very good reason. It's gorgeous!! I think one more coat might have given it a bit more umph, but the hidden pink pops are stunning!
Dhara is described as "firey orange copper with a matte, textured, sparkling metal finish".
This is two coats of Dhara.
Dhara wasn't really firey to me, but this orange was vibrant and juicy. All of the orange PixieDust polishes that Zoya has put out have been beautiful, but this is my favorite! It's the absolute perfect shade of orange. It could definitely use a third coat though. I saw some small bald spots in some of the shots I took.
Tomoko is described as "a romantic champagne silver with a matte, textured, sparkling metal finish".
I really needed to do another 1-2 coats of Tomoko. Two coats was way too sheer and spotty. However, Tomoko really surprised me. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it, but it would make a great top coat or even used on it's own as a sparkly "nude" mani. With my skin tone, I think it'd be best as a top coat. The clean up and removal of this one was tricky. It did get glitter everywhere. So the soak and remove method is best.
Sunshine is described as "'Van Gogh' navy blue in a matte, textured, sparkly finish".
This is two coats of Sunshine.
I must really be feeling these fall colors because this was in my top 3 as well. (Really...I'm so ready for summer to be over with!) Sunshine is one of the most beautiful dark blues I've seen. In the bottle it looks like it would be filled with sparkle once on the nail, but it really wasn't the case with me. I was ok with that. So glad this one doesn't stain like the last blue Pixie either.
Zoya has done it again! These colors beautiful and couldn't be more perfect for fall. I know the textured polishes aren't for everyone, but Zoya has perfected the formula and these really shouldn't be passed up. I've got my fingers crossed that come spring, Zoya will actually have some PixieDust colors named after the Disney fairies! (One can hope right?!) Want to get some (or all) of the Fall 2013 Pixies, head on over to www.zoya.com. Single bottles are $9 a piece and grab the whole set for $54. You won't be disappointed.
Brand information:
Website - http://www.zoya.com/
Blog - http://zoyanailpolish.blogspot.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ZoyaNailPolish
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YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/zoyanailpolish
My information:
Blog - http://nakedwithoutpolish.blogspot.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LacquerLoversUnite
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NkdWthoutPolish
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**This product was provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)