**Press Samples**
If you are anything like me, today's post will be a tear jerker. But with very good reasoning. Karen, the creative genius behind Lollipop Posse Lacquer, was inspired by The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein for her limited edition polish for June. Personally, I can't read this book without sobbing like a baby. I was happy the copy we bought, when we found out we were pregnant, came with a disc of it being read out loud cause I have never been able to make it through the book once without crying. And this isn't just a tear here and there, it's full on Claire Danes, borderline ugly crying tears. I might as well curl up into the fetal position anytime I just look at the cover. It's bad, but the book itself is wonderful. That is why it always has me overwhelmed with the feels. Shel always has a way with words and this piece, in particular, has always spoken to me.
Now, that you're either nodding your head in agreement (I really hope I'm not the only one that this book sends into a giant pit of tears) or your shaking your head in utter amazement and what a pansy I am, let's get to the polish.
If you are anything like me, today's post will be a tear jerker. But with very good reasoning. Karen, the creative genius behind Lollipop Posse Lacquer, was inspired by The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein for her limited edition polish for June. Personally, I can't read this book without sobbing like a baby. I was happy the copy we bought, when we found out we were pregnant, came with a disc of it being read out loud cause I have never been able to make it through the book once without crying. And this isn't just a tear here and there, it's full on Claire Danes, borderline ugly crying tears. I might as well curl up into the fetal position anytime I just look at the cover. It's bad, but the book itself is wonderful. That is why it always has me overwhelmed with the feels. Shel always has a way with words and this piece, in particular, has always spoken to me.
Now, that you're either nodding your head in agreement (I really hope I'm not the only one that this book sends into a giant pit of tears) or your shaking your head in utter amazement and what a pansy I am, let's get to the polish.