SuperChic Lacquer Where Dreams Are Born Collection
10:14 AM**The products in this post were provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
It's Friday, and I have an AMAZING collection to show you all today! It won't be available for another two days, but here is yet another gorgeous set of polishes from SuperChic Lacquer. This collection is the Where Dreams Are Born Collection, inspired by the wonderful Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie. This set of eight glitter-filled sparklers, just might be my favorite yet! She never specified which adaptation it was inspired by, so I'm going to blend together all the movies and we can imagine together! Now, hold onto your bed posts, because there is so much pixie dust in these you'll be sure to fly away!!
Wendybird is a robin's egg blue crelly filled with purple glitter in multiple sizes and shades, small baby blue hexes and packed with iridescent glass flecks. This is three coats for full opacity. Wendybird is described as "Wendy Darling when she flies". This polish positively glows! Perfect representation of it's inspiration. $10
Source: FanPop
Thimble Kisses is a violet crelly with orange, fuchsia and hot pink glitters in multiple sizes. This is three coats for full opacity. Thimble Kisses is described as "a symbol for a real kiss". This beauty is soft and playful just like the innocence of a boy who knew no better. A beautiful color for summer! $10
Source: iflexmedia
Chasing Shadows is a smokey grey crelly base filled with white and purple glitters in multiple sizes and filled with micro blue to purple iridescent specks. This is three coats for full opacity. Chasing Shadows is described as "Peter Pan's shadow running away from him". I'm a sucker for greys so this is a natural favorite for me. So much depth and so much sparkle! $10
Source: bonzananza
Clap Loud For Fairies is a bright lavender crelly with purple glitter in multiple sizes, pale blue iridescent glitter in multiple sizes, and silver micro flakes. This is three coats for full opacity. Clap Loud For Fairies is described as "when someone says they don't believe in fairies, a fairy will die, unless of course you clap very loud". Another favorite of mine, Clap Loud For Fairies, has the iridescent glitter that shines in certain light. It's such a wonderful take on the inspiration. I would have never thought of doing it that way. It's perfect! $10
Source: YouTube
Second Star to the Right is a lovely midnight blue crelly scattered with magenta hexes in multiple sizes and filled with fuchsia micro flakes. This is three coats for full opacity. Second Star to the Right is described as "where you'll find neverland...second star to the right and straight ahead till morning". The shade of's almost haunting. The magenta glitters were a little surprising, since it's inspiration is stars, but I love that it was unexpected. The pink is perfect and I'm forever grateful she didn't use star shaped glitter. $10
Source: Disney Movies & Facts
Tink Happy Thoughts is a powder pink crelly filled with soft pink and aqua glitter and speckled with blue to purple iridescent micro flakies. This is three coats for full opacity. Tink Happy Thoughts is described as "Tinkerbell thinking happy thoughts". Tinkerbell might not be the one who needs to think happy thoughts, but you can't fly without the combination of Tink's fairy dust and happy thoughts. This bright and happy polish makes you think of nothing but happy thoughts. Beautiful! $10
Source: zzznorlax
Never Grow Up is a vibrant grass green crelly filled with dandelion yellow glitter, green glitter and blue iridescent micro flakies. This is three coats for full opacity. Never Grow Up is described as "Peter Pan never wanting to grow up". No one really wants to grow up, but being old enough to wear this gorgeous polish helps soften the blow. I'm a lover of greens and this one knocked me off my feet! A wonderful shade of green that doesn't look awkward on my pale skin! $10
Source: Long Live the Mouse
I Can Fly is a baby blue crelly with pale blue and orange glitter in multiple sizes as well as blue iridescent micro flakies. This is three coats for full opacity. I Can Fly is described as "with a little fairy dust and happy thoughts, you can fly too". Orange glitter isn't used enough. This beauty has it perfectly displayed. When I saw the final product on my nail, I just about jumped up and flew around the room I was so happy. $10
Source: Kindred Spirit Mommy
The application of these is just as perfect as all the other polishes I've tried from SuperChic Lacquer. No staining, vibrant colors, perfect formulas. Not a bad thing to be said about any of these. At $10 a piece, they are well worth it! This collection is full of happiness and wonderful memories for anyone who grew up with any of the different versions of Peter Pan.
The Where Dreams Are Born Collection will be available on May 4th. I will be in the air headed to a week vacation so I won't be able to post about the release going live so keep an eye on her timeline for details on that. This isn't a collection you're going to want to miss so make notes on what you want and jump on the chance!!
These swatches were topped with Magpie Shine top coat ($7) and I used Sweet Nectar cuticle oil ($6) to hydrate my cuticles. Both from A Girl Obsessed.
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**The products in this post were provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)