Firmoo sunglasses

12:05 PM

**The product in this post was provided by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**

I was recently contacted by someone at Firmoo asking if I would be interested in reviewing some glasses for them. Having a toddler who is always breaking my sunglasses, I jumped on the chance. 

The glasses I picked. (

I tend to prefer larger sized glasses. So I filtered out the small and medium by choosing to only look at large framed glasses. They have a feature where you can take a picture and try the glasses on your face, since you don't have the glasses in front of you to try on. I love this feature, except I couldn't get it to work, so I chose them blindly. Any of the glasses can be made into prescription glasses, decorative glasses or sunglasses. I chose sunglasses. I wasn't too sure about percentages so I just said to make them 60% tinted.

When I first got them out of the packaging I thought they were going to be too small. Didn't seem to be what I normally liked. But once I got them on, I was pleasantly surprised!

Yup, I got photo bombed. But I can't complain, it's so cute! The glasses were comfortable and fit well. Everything seemed to be fantastic. Then I got outside.

I'm the type of person who has to wear sunglasses outside no matter what. I get light induced migraines and I even have to wear them at night because of the bright lights on cars. As you can see in the pictures, I'm still squinting my eyes and my brows are furrowed slightly. I probably should have requested them be tinted to 80%. These sunglasses might not work well during the day for me, but they are great at night. 

If you like this pair you can find them here for $19.00. There are even 4 styles you can pick from within this pair. OR you can try their First Pair Free program by going here, Pick a pair of glasses and you only have to pay shipping. It's a pretty sweet deal, if you ask me!! 

The customer service at Firmoo was great. Always quick to reply to emails answering any question I had. The glasses arrived quickly too. Definitely worth trying again!!! 

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**The product in this post was provided by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**

Happy Polishing!!

Becky   :o)

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