OPI Your Villa or Mine?

10:45 AM

**The product in this post was purchased by me with my own money. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**

I'm in the middle of moving my polishes downstairs, organizing them (possibly pulling some for a blog sale), cataloging, etc. so I thought I'd do a simple post today. Today, I'm going simple. This is my all time favorite polish. 

OPI Your Villa or Mine?

Your Villa or Mine? is from their 2001 Italian collection. It's a warm carnation pink filled with a gold shimmer. When I discovered this polish, I wore it every day for at least a year. I used to have 5 bottles of this beauty, I'm now down to this one and one back up. :o( I'm going to have to use it sparingly. That will be hard to do. 

I was big into polish in my early teens, then lost the love in high school. This polish rejuvenated my love for lacquer back in '01 and I think that's why it holds such a large spot in my heart. I am so happy to share this special polish with you all. I hope you love it as much as I do! <3

OPI information:
Website - http://www.opi.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OPIProducts
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My information:
Blog - http://nakedwithoutpolish.blogspot.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LacquerLoversUnite
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NkdWthoutPolish
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/nkdwthoutpolish/
Instagram - http://instagram.com/nakedwithoutpolish/
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/b/114788720640439091829/114788720640439091829/posts

**The product in this post was purchased by me with my own money. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**

Happy Polishing!!

Becky   :o)

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