Cameo Colours Lacquer Beauti-Fall Collection and Limited Edition
12:33 PM**Press Sample**
I've got another beautiful collection from Cameo Colours Lacquer to show you all today! Cameo Colours lacquer's Beauti-Fall Collection is a 5 polish collection that sums up the upcoming holiday season with the names and colors.
Cabernet by the Fire is a "shimmery wine colored linear holo". I don't drink cabernet, but this beauty has me wanting to grab a glass and get wrapped up in a blanket and a good book! Definitely needed when the family is becoming a little too much and you need to get away from the crazy for a bit.
This is Cabernet by the Fire topped with Cameo Colours Lacquer's WaxWorks wax effect top coat. Cabernet by the Fire is stunning with WaxWorks. I'm loving the holo with the wax effect. It is just a bit muted, but the shine still comes through.
I Cran't Berry the Holidays is a "beautiful cranberry jelly linear holo". My camera couldn't do this beauty justice. It ended up looking much more magenta than it actually is. It really is a cranberry color. I Cran't Berry the Holidays is one of those polishes that will haunt you once you see it. It is a must have! So perfectly juicy!
This is I Cran't Berry the Holidays topped with Cameo Colours Lacquer's WaxWorks wax effect top coat. I Cran't Berry the Holidays was really taken to the next level once topped with WaxWorks. The holo is still in the forefront, but there's something so crazy unique looking about it. You'll fall in love.
Turkey Wasted is a "burnished gold linear holo". Yes, it says gold, but this really ends up looking more like a bronzed olive green color. This might be my favorite from the collection. It's so unique, and the name is fabulous! We all know how being turkey wasted feels, now you can deal with it in style!! It's the perfect color to wear for that after dinner nap that is always needed before darting out the door to stand in line for hours and hours.
This is Turkey Wasted topped with Cameo Colours Lacquer WaxWorks wax effect top coat. As much as I'm absolutely loving the WaxWorks top coat, it didn't do any favors for Turkey Wasted. The linear holo doesn't come through like the other two did. It was missed.
Do I Make You Corny, Baby? is an "orange (when cool) yellow (when warm) thermal polish with copper and holo micro glitter, and it glows in the dark". Do I Make You Corny, Baby? is so much fun! It's unlike anything I have in my collection. The orange is beautiful and the yellow is actually perfect for anyone's skin tone. I had honestly forgotten it was a thermal polish until I put it on and it changed colors.
Do I Make You Corny, Baby? has glow in the dark particles in it. This is it held under a halogen lamp for 25 seconds. It seems my pinky was extremely concentrated and the other nails weren't. Not sure why, but it's still a fantastic polish. Different from Zydrate which was all glow-in-the-dark instead of just the small particles. Both beautiful and very different.
On top of being a glow-in-the-dark polish, Do I Make You Corny, Baby? is also a thermal polish. A lovely marigold yellow shade when cold and a tiger lily orange when hot. This is my first thermal polish and I'm sold! This is definitely going to be my swimming pool polish next year!! So much fun!
Indian Summer is a "glitter bomb full of multi sized copper, orange, red and gold holo glitters". This one kinda surprised me. I was iffy about it in the bottle, but the second I finished the third coat and held my hand out in front of me so the light could hit it correctly...I was smitten. Indian Summer is the perfect name for this beauty that does nothing but glisten and sparkle like nothing else.
This is Indian Summer topped with Cameo Colour Lacquers WaxWorks wax effect top coat. I really wanted this to look amazing, but WaxWorks didn't really change much. It dulled the shine a bit, and Indian Summer needs to sparkle.
Falling Matte-ly for You is the Limited Edition "chestnut brown shimmer full of copper holo and multi-size and shape iridescent glitters that dries with a matte finish". Next to Turkey Wasted, this is my favorite (but technically it's not a part of the collection)!! It's soft and can pass as a great nude/neutral, but then when the light hits it at just the right angle, you're blown away! If you know me, you know I'm a huge fan of the matte finish anyway, but this was a combo I hadn't seen before. Perfection!
(note: I did NOT put WaxWorks on this one. I wanted you to see it in it's natural state.)
This is Falling Matte-ly for You with a regular top coat. Where some of the sparkle only came out in certain light, the glossy top coat brought it out a little more in regular light. I am fond of this beauty either way. Probably in my top faves of this year.
I absolutely love the Beauti-Fall Collection! Cameo Colours Lacquers knocked it out of the park once again! You can get the whole collection for $39 or each individually for $8 (Falling Mattely for You) -$9 (Cabernet by the Fire, Turkey Wasted, I Cran't Berry the Holidays and Do I Make You Corny, Baby?) each. Cameo Colours Lacquer has fantastic products at wonderful prices! Definitely check them out if you haven't already! In my top 5 favorite indies!
Also, when it is available, WaxWorks will be $5. Trust me, it's fantastic! Keep an eye open for it to be listed!
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**The products in this post were provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)