Rainbow Honey Tidal Wave, Diamond Weapon and Phoenix Down
10:26 AM**Press sample**
I've got three gorgeous polishes from Rainbow Honey's new The Final Battle collection. The collection consists of 15 new shades inspired by Final Fantasy VII.
It is divided into three parts:
Part I, The Battle "plays off of some of the main elements in the of the game: the heroes and the ultimate faceoff between the Planet's Lifestream and the Meteor; Phoenix Down is a nod to the recurring battle item throughout the Final Fantasy series.".
Part II, The Summons "depicts five of the attacks used by the beasts and monsters summoned in the game - a crucial part of any battle!".
Part III, The Weapons "created by the Planet as a form of self-defense. The bio-mechanical monsters were massive and powerful and I have taken the chance to create a durable and colorful representation of each one.".
Rainbow Honey has done it again! Is there nothing they can't do?! Each polish is more beautiful than the last. You can get any of these three beauties or the 12 others in The Final Battle for $10 on Rainbow Honey's shop. Don't pass any of these up, and check out colors from past collections too! They have way too many amazing polishes! YOU NEED THEM ALL!!
Brand information:
Shop - http://www.rainbowhoney.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rainbow.honey.cosmetics
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Rainbow_Honey
Instagram - http://instagram.com/rainbowhoney
(direct link to their shop) http://fab.com/designer/rainbow-honey/
Links to Rainbow Honey retailers around the world: http://www.rainbowhoney.com/pages/retailers
My information:
Blog - http://nakedwithoutpolish.blogspot.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LacquerLoversUnite
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NkdWthoutPolish
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/nkdwthoutpolish/
Instagram - http://instagram.com/nakedwithoutpolish/
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/b/114788720640439091829/114788720640439091829/posts
**The featured products in this post were provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)