Zoya Magical PixieDust
11:28 AM**The product in this post was provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Monday, everyone!! Sorry about being short on posts last week. I took a trip to see my mom and enjoying family just took over. I'm back home now and we are going to dive right in.
I'm a little excited about the beauties in today's post. Once they were announced, I was extremely impatient. I wanted them in my hands as quickly as possible. Then, they arrived. Zoya nailed their PixieDusts yet again! The Magical PixieDust trio are just that...magical. The only thing that would have made them better? More colors!! Three isn't enough!!
Zoya Vega is described as "a blue opal sparkle, textured with mega hex iridescent particles". This is two coats of Vega. My favorite of the three, this icy blue is a stunner. The Magical PixieDust polishes don't apply like normal PixieDust polishes do. They are still pretty smooth, but with the larger glitters, you end up with a couple stragglers. No worries though, the feel of the texture isn't compromised at all. It isn't any more gritty than they usually are. (Anyone else instantly start singing 'Let It Go' when they have Vega on? I'm thinking it should have been called Elsa.) My only regret is not doing a third coat. I think it would have had a bit more umphf, even though two coats was opaque. $10
Zoya Cosmo is described as "a silver crystal sparkle, textured with mega hex iridescent particles". This is two coats of Cosmo. Where Vega was pretty opaque after two coats, Cosmo definitely needs three coats. I wasn't able to see the small bald spots until I was really looking at the photos. However, HOLY SPARKLE BATMAN!! Cosmo would be a gorgeous topper over a solid creme or jelly. $10
Zoya Lux is described as "a rose quartz sparkle, textured with mega hex iridescent particle". This is two coats of Lux. Such a lovely pale pink. Opaque after two coats, like Vega, but a third coat never hurts for extra sparkle! This pink is so perfect! It's even the same color as the tin my new favorite tea comes in (thanks to some fairy at Zoya for hooking me on that too!). $10
In my opinion, Zoya is the king of textured polishes. The PixieDusts are always perfection, the Magical Pixie trio is no exception to that, even with the addition of the larger glitters. Fingers crossed we see some more like this from them. I'd love a green, sherbet and lavender. *hint**hint* Either way, is anyone else already wondering what direction they are going to go with the next PixieDust collection?!
No top coat was used for these swatches, but I used Sweet Nectar cuticle oil ($6) from A Girl Obsessed to hydrate my cuticles.
Zoya information:
Website - http://www.zoya.com/
Blog - http://zoyanailpolish.blogspot.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ZoyaNailPolish
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ZoyaNailPolish
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/zoyanailpolish/
Instagram - http://instagram.com/zoyanailpolish
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/zoyanailpolish
My information:Blog - http://nakedwithoutpolish.blogspot.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LacquerLoversUnite
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NkdWthoutPolish
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/nkdwthoutpolish/
Instagram - http://instagram.com/nakedwithoutpolish/
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/b/114788720640439091829/114788720640439091829/posts
**The product in this post was provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)