Fuse Nail Polish
8:30 PM**The product in this post was provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
I was recently given the opportunity to review some products from a new indie, Fuse Nail Polish. They sent me 2 beautiful polishes to review for you all today. We all know that first impressions are everything. Especially in the polish world. Fuse Nail Polish didn't disappoint!! Check out the beauties below!
Fuse Nail Polish - Trophy Wife
Trophy Wife is a shimmery pink that has a neon feel.
This is two coats of Trophy Wife with OPI Natural Nail Base Coat and Glisten & Glow HK Girl top coat.
Trophy wife had a thin and smooth application. There is good coverage after two coats, but still a little visible nail line. I'm not sure if three would fully cover it or not.
I love this rosy shade of pink. The shimmer seems to be so heavy in certain light it almost looks like it might be a holo, but it's not.
Just look how beautiful this is in natural light!
Fuse Nail Polish - Zombie Snot
Zombie Snot is a clear base filled with small matte black hexes and large matte lime green hexes.
This is three coats of Zombie Snot with OPI Natural Nail Base Coat and Glisten & Glow HK Girl top coat.
Oddly enough, I loved This on a naked nail. Three coats wasn't heavy or overwhelming. Application was good. Not really smooth, but I didn't have to place or dab glitter.
I loved the simplicity of Zombie Snot. Funny name and all.
As much as I loved Zombie Snot on a naked nail, I had to put it on some undies.
Left to right: Zoya - Darcy, Essie - Boom Boom Room, China Glaze - Igniting Love, Zoya - Thandie and SinfulColors - Endless Blue.
As seen above from pinky to thumb.
This is one coat of Zombie Snot over two coats of Zoya - Darcy. Darcy is a bright sunny yellow creme. I really wanted to like Zombie Snot over a yellow. The black glitter, of course, looks great over it, but the shade of green glitter doesn't pop like it should.
This is one coat of Zombie Snot over two coats of Essie - Boom Boom Room. Boom Boom Room is a bright light pink. This was one of my favorite pairings. I think it's just my love for pink and green getting the best of me, but I really loved this.
This is one coat of Zombie Snot over two coats of China Glaze - Igniting Love. Igniting Love is a bright tomato red creme. I only got one green glitter on this one
This is one coat of Zombie Snot over two coats of Zoya - Thandie. Thandie is a citrus orange creme, but seems to come off more of a melon shade here. This could easily work, but something is just off to me.
This is one coat of Zombie Snot over two coats of SinfulColors - Endless Blue. Endless Blue is a bright, vibrant blue creme. This was my favorite pairing! The colors complimented each other beautifully. It just made me smile! So, yes, I had to do a full mani with this!!
SinfulColors - Endless Blue and Fuse Nail Polish - Zombie Snot
This is one coat of Zombie snot over two coats of Endless Blue with OPI Natural Nail Base Coat and Glisten & Glow HK Girl top coat.
I love how playful this pairing is. So simple, but so much fun!
Such wonderful colors!
You can find Fuse Nail Polish on their Big Cartel shop. All their polishes are either $6 or $8. Trophy Wife is $6 and Zombie Snot is $8. These are wonderful polishes, and their prices make them even better! Soon, they will be adding hand care products to their site. So keep an eye open for those! Fuse Nail Polish may be new, but you should definitely give them a shot. I loved these. They definitely WON'T be my last!
The ladies at Fuse Nail Polish have also been nice enough to create a discount code just for my readers. To get 20% off your entire order use the code NWP20 at check out. How awesome is that?! This code will not expire, so enjoy it!!
Brand information:
Shop - http://fusenailpolish.bigcartel.com/
Instagram - http://instagram.com/fusenailpolish
My information:
Blog - nakedwithoutpolish.blogspot.com
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LacquerLoversUnite
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NkdWthoutPolish
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/nkdwthoutpolish/
Instagram - http://instagram.com/nakedwithoutpolish/
**The product in this post was provided to me by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)