Glittering Elements Rainbow SPLAT
11:06 AM**The featured product in this post was provided to me for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
I've got the final Glittering Elements polish on the blog today. This is the one I used in my RENT mani over the weekend. The fun Rainbow SPLAT! A party in a bottle!
Rainbow SPLAT is a glitter top coat filled with different shapes, sizes and colors of glitter. None of the glitter is oversized though.
This is one coat of Rainbow SPLAT over two coats of Cult Nails Ay Poppy!
I put Rainbow SPLAT over black this past weekend, so I really wanted to put it over a color. One that would allow the glitter to stand on it's own without over powering. Ay Poppy! did that perfectly!
Yet another beautiful polish from the lovely Casey from down under! Glittering Elements is quickly moving it's way up my list of favorite indie brands. Each one of her beauties seems to be better than the last. You can snag this and several others (including a ton of new glitters and holos) on Glittering Elements ETSY shop. Rainbow SPLAT is currently discontinued, so you can own this glitter bomb for the low price of $5.58! There's no way you would be disappointed by anything you buy from her.
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**The featured product in this post was provided to me for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)