Floss Gloss BritBrit2000

11:23 AM

**The featured product in this post was purchased by me with my own money. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**

I was recently introduced to the brand Floss Gloss. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. The bottles are smaller, but bigger than minis, and looked cheap to me. The colors are pretty but at first glance, nothing special. Something about their website just pulls you back in though. You find yourself flipping through the shop and you are trying to remember why you went there. These ladies know what they are doing!!! 

Since I was so skeptical, I didn't know if I wanted to spend $8 on a bottle that wasn't full sized. Well, I was flipping through Be Happy Buy Polish's blog sale and came across 3 of the 5 I had on my wish list. Unfortunately I wasn't in the position to buy immediately and I lost out on 2 of them. (Yes, I'm kicking myself for it and I cried a little bit.) Luckily, I was able to get BritBrit2000 for only $3.50!! YES, YES, YES!! Check it out!!! 

BritBrit2000 is described as "Floss Gloss' most sheer lacquer pastel peach glitter". This is two coats of BritBrit2000. This polish will never be opaque and it's not meant to be. This was absolute perfection. Inspired by Britney Spears' 2000 VMA outfit (if you're a crazy person and don't remember it, see the picture below), this polish is meant to be the classiest form of risqué. I had no issues with application, the formula is spot on, all my reservations about this polish were put to rest. Floss Gloss is legit and I need them all! $8

Source: Breathe Heavy

What are your thoughts on BritBrit2000? Do you own any polishes from Floss Gloss? If not, I suggest you get one or 3 and start swooning over them now! You won't be sorry! Anyone feel like getting me a gift? The rest of the polishes on my wish list are: BiscuitsPicnicWetHoneyFadedLeanPony, and Stun. Looks like a long list, but trust me, once you've seen all the polishes your list will probably be longer! 

This swatch was topped with Magpie Shine top coat ($7) and I used Sweet Nectar cuticle oil ($6) to hydrate my cuticles. Both from A Girl Obsessed.

Floss Gloss information:

Shop - http://flossgloss.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Floss-Gloss-Ltd/205252576164389
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@flossgloss
Instagram - http://instagram.com/flossgloss

My information:
Blog - http://nakedwithoutpolish.blogspot.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/LacquerLoversUnite
Twitter - https://twitter.com/NkdWthoutPolish
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/nkdwthoutpolish/
Instagram - http://instagram.com/nakedwithoutpolish/
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/b/114788720640439091829/114788720640439091829/posts

**The featured product in this post was purchased by me with my own money. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated.**

Happy Polishing!!

Becky   :o)

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