Lac Attack Rydell Forever
7:11 AM
Today is my first post with the ever lovely Lac Attack polishes. If you are a fan of Grease, you'll need to Hand Jive your way over to her shop and grab a bottle of this after you read this post.
Rydell Forever is a clear base with beautiful white and red large hexes and bar glitter. It's just screaming school spirit!
Left to right: 1 coat, 2 coats, 3 coats
Three coats of Rydell Forever.
Even though bar glitter can sometimes be tricky to apply, there weren't a lot of problems with it in Rydell forever. I decided against the dabbing method here. I wanted you to see exactly what three coats of it got you. It's pretty even, surprisingly. The base wasn't very thick so there was no issues with application over all. It was a joy to work with, when I was extremely nervous about it at first. I love a polish that will surprise you when you are skeptical about it before you even open the cap.
Left to right: Cult Nails - Nevermore, butter LONDON - Bluey, Spoiled by Wet 'n' Wild - Mind Your Own Beeswax, Rimmel London - Stiletto Red and OPI - Meep-Meep-Meep.
As seen above from pinky to thumb.
This is two coats of Rydell Forever over 1 coat of Cult Nails - Nevermore. You can't go wrong with red, white and black! It's a classic pairing! I love this and would do it again in a heartbeat! I know it's Rydell Forever, but it's got me screaming "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BULLDOGS!!" I grew up in Georgia so I'm an UGA girl at heart! :o)
This is two coats of Rydell Forever over two coats of butter LONDON - Bluey. Bluey is a sparkly deep blue. Red, white and blue is also a classic pairing I had to try. I really enjoyed this combination too! It'd be great for a simple 4th of July mani!
This is two coats of Rydell Forever over two coats of Spoiled by Wet 'n' Wild - Mind Your Own Beeswax. Mind Your Own Beeswax is a lovely yellow jelly filled with a fine gold shimmer. Since I had already done 2 classic combinations with red and white I wanted something lively but different. I really had a lot of fun with these two polishes together.
This is two coats of Rydell Forever over two coats of Rimmel London - Stiletto Red. Stiletto Red is one of my favorite reds. Rimmel London has a very underrated polish. It's smooth and creamy, the colors are fantastic, a lovely wide brush. I love every single one I own, but this red is special. I knew I needed to put Rydell Forever over a red and I knew this was the one to use. It was perfect! The red glitter still stands out!
This is two coats of Rydell Forever over two coats of OPI - Meep-Meep-Meep. Meep-Meep-Meep is a lucious raspberry color filled with sparkling flakes that shift from a gold to the same berry color as the polish. I thought the red and berry colors would be a fun contrast, but I did not enjoy the outcome of this pairing.
Rydell Forever was so much fun to work with. Fantastically smooth formula and the glitter is easy to work with. Definitely loving my first experience with Lac Attack! You can purchase Rydell Forever and other polishes at their shop for $4.25 for a mini bottle and $8 for a full sized bottle. Keep up with swatches, news and sales on their Facebook page. They are getting ready to release a new collection so keep your eyes open!! You won't want to miss it!
**This product was provided by the manufacturer for my honest review. All opinions are my own.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)