LynBDesigns Snowball Fight
9:58 AM
Happy Wednesday everyone!!! I know there have been 101 red and white glitter topcoats this holiday season, but they've all be so much fun! Today's polish from LynBDesigns is no exception!
Snowball fight is a lovely thin (but not watery) clear base filled with small red hexes, small, medium and large white hexes, white bar glitter, and white shard glitter.
Left to right: 1 coat, 2 coats, 3 coats
Application was wonderful. Everything went on nice and thin. Glitter didn't get weird and clump up or leave bald spots. No pulling and had great dry time between coats.
This is three coats of Snowball Fight.
The way it layers is fantastic you can tell it has depth in it without it being thick.
I love how simple this combination of glitter is, but it looks incredibly complex.
Left to right: SinfulColors - Pull Over, OPI - Don't Mess With OPI, Zoya - Storm, Zoya - Breezi and Essence - Colour & Go - Grey-t To Be Here
As seen above from pinky to thumb.
This is one coat of Snowball Fight over two coats of SinfulColors - Pull Over. Pull Over is a dandylion yellow creme. Something told me to put Snowball Fight over a yellow and I'm so glad I listened. This was a cute way to do something a little different. I'm not one who can wear a straight yellow polish. I'm very fair skinned and it just doesn't look great on me, so I liked this alternative!
This is one coat of Snowball Fight over two coats of OPI - Don't Mess With OPI. This was definitely my absolute favorite pairing of the 5. It reminds me of holly bushes with snow on them. I really don't need to say much about this. It's so perfectly Christmas-y!
This is one coat of Snowball Fight over two coats of Zoya - Storm. You'd have to had be hiding under a rock not to know what a gorgeous scattered holo Storm is. I thoroughly enjoyed this pairing. The holo shows through but doesn't take away from Snowball Fight. It's like a snowball fight on a beautiful, clear starry night.
This is one coat of Snowball Fight over two coats of Zoya - Breezi. Yes, you had to know I was going to do the usual red, white and blue mani. I'm glad I picked Breezi though. Snowball Fight really showed it's true colors on this dusty teal. I think I easily fall in love with red, white and blue manis. There's just something so appealing about them.
This is one coat of Snowball Fight over two coats of Essence - Colour & Go - Grey-t To Be Here. Grey-t To Be Here is a light grey with a pink shimmer. This was such a soft mani. I was afraid it'd be too pale, but Snowball Fight really held it's own.
All-in-all not a bad pairing in the bunch. Snowball Fight is versatile and fun! There are several red and white glitter polishes out right now, but the base formula on this is wonderful! This would be the go to red and white glitter top coat for me! Grab this beauty for $8 a bottle on LynBDesigns ETSY shop and you might as well toss some more in your cart. This Hometown Holiday collection is too much fun to pass up! Keep up with swatches, news and sales over at their Facebook page.
**This product was sent to me by the manufacturer for an honest review. All opinions are my own.**
Happy Polishing!!
Becky :o)